- an empowering personalized twist on paint & sip art classes -
Join “Nashville’s Best Visual Artist” (Nashville Scene 2021) for this sexy “paint by numbers." Samantha will take care of the prep work ahead of time, drawing your nude reference photo on canvas so you can bring your curves to life with paint in this empowering 3.5 hour class.
Paint Your Noodz™ is an original concept art experience created by Samantha Zaruba and was awarded "Best Art Happening" and placed 2nd in "Best Bachelorette Activity" in the 2023 Best of Nashville Awards.
Upcoming Classes
- Sat, Feb 15Nashville
- Sun, Feb 16Nashville
- Sat, Mar 15Murfreesboro

Have noodz, will travel.
Hire me for your next private event! I would love to make your birthday, bachelorette party or couples get together extra special.
I have a car and a passport and am willing to travel just about anywhere.
Email paintyournoodz@gmail.com for more info!
No refunds. Makeup classes due to illness on a case by case basis.
No creeps, no hate speech, etc. Anyone disrespecting a fellow class member or bringing discomfort to the space will be asked to leave.
coming soon: virtual classes & franchise opportunities
Coming in 2024: Paint Your Noodz will have virtual classes. I draw and ship, you paint!
Franchise opportunities: Paint Your Noodz will also be hiring teaching artists.
If interested in being alerted of the above, email paintyournoodz@gmail.com